Why Proud American Travelers Should Avoid the Subway – and Why Big-City Politicians Want to Make the Problem Worse

If you’re honest with yourself, you probably get little uneasy when visiting a big city you’re unfamiliar with. Maybe you’re on high-alert when you jump on the subway, knowing it’s not the safest place you could be. Well, you’re probably…

Christian Nurse Awarded $374,000 After Being Forced to Resign for Refusing to Abort Babies

Sandra Rojas had faithfully served as a pediatric nurse for 18 years and was horrified when her employer demanded she attend educational training on giving abortion referrals to patients. When she told her employer her Christian beliefs wouldn’t allow her…

Father Refused to Refer to His Son as a Girl, So the Courts Revoked His Custody

Every parent has an inherent desire to protect their children from harm. But in a world of “transgender” madness – speaking out against gender dysphoria is not popular – especially for parents. And when one father opposed his beloved teen…

Higher Ups Retaliate and Punish Alcoholics Anonymous Group for Praying During Meetings

There’s nothing more beautiful than watching a former alcoholic break free from addiction and find true hope in our Lord Jesus Christ – instead of drowning their sorrows in a bottle. Since 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has helped countless individuals…

Recognizing False Teachers in the Last Days

The last days. Most believe the last days prophesied in scripture are not too far off.  One of the many signs Jesus told us to look for is that of false teachers. And they seem to be in more abundance…

3 Ways To Sneak In A Quick Workout During Your Day

Busy moms have it tough – with such a hectic lifestyle —  working out is usually one of the first things to get axed off the calendar. You may long for your single days when you had time to hit…

Democrat Defends Rittenhouse After Recognizing Their Anti-American Views

The founding fathers are surely rolling in their graves as liberals botch the Constitution and make a mockery of everything America is supposed to stand for. However, there are times where logic and reason can only be denied up to…

Sick! Pro-Abort Activist Pops Abortion Pill On Live TV

Taking the life of an unborn baby is a heartbreaking and horrific act of violence. But abortion activist Jex Blackmore decided to take an abortion pill – live on Fox 2 Detroit’s “Let It Rip”.  And once you hear her…

Avoid Saying These Things To A New Mama

Having a new baby is one of the most joyous moments for a woman – but it’s also a stressful time with hormonal changes and sleepless nights. Many people are quick to offer comments to new moms – but sometimes…

In the Most Dangerous Country in the World – This Teen Led an Entire Tribe to Christ

In Pakistan, a teenager named *Rehan (name changed for security reasons) worked long hours as a server to earn enough money to feed his family. Then one day at the restaurant he waited on a truck driver named Safdar –…