
Think You Know The Thanksgiving Story? Think Again.

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and take note of all the blessings you have to be thankful for. For a lot of us too, it is about the endless buffet of food. Once a year you allow…

How One Ministry is Helping Military Men and Women Suffering with PTSD

PTSD has taken its toll on many of our nation’s military men and women. Tragically, America is losing 22 combat veterans every day to suicide. But Christians are stepping up to help these veterans and their families find a place…

Don’t Be Surprised if These Hotel Amenities Are Missing From Your Next Stay

Hotels are looking to save a buck, so they’re cutting back on what used to be standard amenities for all guests. But instead of reducing your bill – hotel accommodations are more expensive than ever. From axing free breakfasts to…

5 Signs Your Child Is Not Adjusting To School Well

School has begun and that means a lot of new adjustments- new classes, different friends, and greater academic challenges. Some kids seem to flow through these changes flawlessly while others may struggle to find their footing. Don’t miss the signs…

Mistakes to Avoid When Taking Your Child on Their First Deer Hunt

We can all remember our earliest trials afield. For most, our initial trips to the woods were in the accompaniment of our fathers, grandfathers, or a close family friend. Not only did these outings teach us how to be efficient…

Massive Pro-Life Victory in Texas Outlaws Abortion at Detection of Fetal Heartbeat

While states around the country continue to make abortion more accessible – Texas just did the very opposite. Becoming the first state in America to protect unborn babies with a detectable heartbeat, Texas’s Heartbeat Act is causing shockwaves around the…

Hummers—The Nectar-Guzzling Kind

A week ago, I had the distinct and rare pleasure to just sit down on my front porch for an hour and do absolutely nothing. I even went as far as to leave my writing pad and laptop in the…

Women – Your Greatest Ministry Is in Your Own Home

When we think of “doing ministry” we envision a brave missionary leaving home and living among a tribal group overseas to share the Gospel. While this is noble, many moms become discouraged that “all” they’re doing is caring for their…

What’s Old Is New Again – This Trend Is Picking Up Steam With Moms

Being a stay-at-home mom is an incredible blessing.  Not everyone is financially able to do so, and it is a great gift to the entire family. Generations ago, there was little question that a woman would continue to stay home…

Working Together Can Make Things Better When Mom Takes On A New Role

Moms always want to be their child’s most significant role model. We work to teach them right and wrong through our own words and actions, and model different behaviors to give them concrete examples along the way. And some moms…