What Does It Mean for a Husband To “Lay Down” His Life for His Wife?

Many Christians are familiar with the Bible commanding wives to submit to their husbands. And while this is good and Biblical, many Christians forget to mention the role of husbands – who are literally called to die for their wives.…

Should Married Couples Have Friends of the Opposite Sex?

Upon getting married (and ideally before) – couples often discuss setting boundaries to help safeguard and protect their marriage. While every couple is different – the ultimate goal is to shield the union of husband and wife against external threats.…

Are You Believing the Biggest Marriage Lie of All Time?

When a man and woman stand before God and a cloud of witnesses and pledge their love to one another until death, nobody imagines their matrimony will end in divorce. Sadly, it’s estimated up to 50 percent of marriages end…

Thinking About Divorcing Your Spouse? STOP and Read This First

When lovestruck couples stand at the alter and make a covenant with God and each other, they never dream their perfect day will end in divorce. But here in America, a whopping 50-percent of all marriages end in divorce –…

Wow! Couple Celebrates 70 Years of Marriage and Gives All the Glory to God

Christine met Fred at a basketball game when she was only 17 years old. Never did she dream that this man would later become her husband – and that she’d be celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary! This incredible couple gives…

Top 10 Ingredients For A Happy Marriage

Marriage is one of the oldest and most sacred institutions we have. It is, also, still one of the most sought after covenants in the world. Unfortunately, it is taken for granted once it is obtained. The effort of marriage…