If You’re Grieving This Christmas Season – Give Yourself Grace

The Christmas season is typically a joyous time where families and friends gather together to celebrate the birth of Christ. From Christmas parties and festivities – to your children begging you to take them to see the massive lighted house…

You Survived Domestic Abuse – Now How Do You Move Forward?

Surviving one of the most difficult life traumas you’ve ever had to face is an incredible feat. Sadly, for the thousands of victims of domestic violence each year, getting out of the situation is only the beginning. Thankfully, there are…

If You No Longer Do The Things You Love Then You May Be Suffering From This Condition

Staring at the wall you reminisce about how a month ago you would have spent this quiet moment getting your workout out or finishing your scrapbook. While you know the fact that you chose to spend the time staring at…

Moms – It’s Okay To Let Your Teen Take A Mental Health Day Off From School

Being a teenager is tough – and it’s even worse for those who feel as though they have to be “perfect.” From the pressure to be thin, to the stress of studying hard to get into a good college while…

Top 5 Habits To Drop For A Healthy Lifestyle

It seems we are constantly being bombarded from all corners of life on things we need to be doing. Our children’s school wants more volunteer hours, the cashier wants you to take her unsolicited parenting advice after your daughter has…

5 Effective Ways To Support Our Children’s Mental Health

Recent events have given parents a whole new slew of issues to deal with concerning their children. There are all the new school policies to contend with or virtual schooling, trying to limit screen time when the entire family is…

What I Wish I Was Told Before I Started Therapy

For decades, there has been a stigma against mental health. Whether the blame lies on misrepresentation in movies and television or just a general unawareness of what mental illness really is, it makes it hard to admit when you have…

If I’m Not Depressed Anymore, Then Why Am I Still Not Happy?

Depression affects more people than you think. In fact, according to the ADAA, over 40 million Americans over the age of 18 have been diagnosed with depression—that’s 18% of our population.  Depression takes many forms, and it’s different for everyone.…

Here’s How Yoga May Be the Key to Healing You Mentally and Physically

Do you constantly deal with stress and anxiety in your life? You’re not alone—and with mental health awareness at an all-time high, it’s not hard to find health issues. But between the big Pharma companies and the mental health professionals…

If You’re Struggling – There’s No Shame In Asking For Help

The quest to be perfect. Our social media sites are filled with women (and men) who seem to have the best life ever. And if you’re like me, you might take a look at your own life and feel like…